Sunday, May 11, 2014

As Above, So Below

it's interesting to imagine living underwater, where waves move in all directions and intercept other waves. almost like making jello with moving bits in it... if one bit moves its going to send waves and jiggle the other bits contained in the jello.

in the same way, we even above water live in a place where movement (energy) from one source radiates outward and interacts with other sources (a source being some-thing that can generate movement). take for example, smoke from incense. even in a very still room, the slightest disturbance in the air will pull or push that smoke too and fro as it leaves it's source and becomes disbursed in the environment around it.

or take sound waves. the sound comes out of a speaker, or mouth, or instrument, or car, and travels out from the source until it meets with resistance of another sound wave, a wall, a person's eardrum, etc. and as it travels further from it's source, becomes as I like to say "lost in the sauce" with all the other movements of energy.

of course, louder (more excited) energy, waves, will "overtake" the smaller, less excited waves, and some waves actually work together to create bigger waves (think of double-bouncing on a trampoline, or harmonies in music!).

so really i like to think of myself, and everything, suspended in a void, where each movement is recorded in the ever-spinning rolodex of life, reaching out and dancing with one another, interacting... like when you see someone on the dancefloor, and they give you the peace signs across the eyes Madonna-move, and you see that and respond with the robot... sometimes vibrations aren't just literal sound or physical touch... ENERGY GOES WHERE ATTENTION/THE MIND FLOWS and anyone sensitive enough can clearly TUNE IN to what's going on around them if they so choose to.

another example, think of when you're walking down the street, and street performers are playing drums down the block. you cant really help it but those drummers if they're good enough end up OWNING that block because everyone cant help but walk to the beat or dance a little bit and feel the energy that they're bringing and putting out.

or you see someone who's really got their stuff together. im talking top athletes, leading industry professionals, young start-up entrepreneurs, anyone who's genuinely passionate about life, and the energy with which they bring to life, the focus and fire, the love they bring, it RADIATES out and magnetizes people to them! on a subtle level everyone can feel that energetic output and when it's beautiful it's beautiful! animals can sense it, kids can sense it, sensitive (non-desensitized) people can sense it, it's the ability to freely create and expand outward from any point i suppose.

bottom line, above water and below water, aren't so different.

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