Monday, December 23, 2013

Brutal Self-Honesty: The Key to Success

 "If you tell the truth, you won't have to remember anything." - Mark Twain

As 2013 comes to a close, I look back at the year and can clearly pick out the most important realization  I experienced in the 22/23rd year of my life: unflinching and relentless honesty with yourself and those around you brings clarity into your life and everyone you encounter.

Growing up in suburbia America, on a small middle-class WASPy island in the Puget Sound, I found it easy to get away with telling half-truths, exaggerations of reality, and relating to others who also "turned a burp into a fart" to make for funnier conversation, awe, ego-stroking, or any number of reasons one would want to spice up a story.

This exaggeration became so natural, I began to confuse myself with what actually happened and what I imagined happened, leaving much of my childhood hazy and difficult to remember with any sense of certainty.

No more.

Having now understood this seemingly harmless state of being to be, in my personal experience, completely destructive, I'd decided to be a truth-teller so-as to more clearly live my life and provide honest insight from my experiences as one who seeks what is Real.

I like to think about telling the truth like this: as you live your life, you are constantly "building the foundations" for your home (your life). When you lie, exaggerate, steal, cheat, or are dishonest in anyway, you are essentially laying a damaged/lower-quality foundation from which everything else will be built upon.

If you build a house with a shaky foundation, that house will fall, and it seems that telling the truth and being honest with yourself allows one to build the foundation of their character much stronger than someone who is constantly fluffing their and others' lives up with distorted perceptions with ulterior motives.

Total honesty is a hard place to get to, especially if one has, like myself, lived completely immersed in their own self-delusion.

STAY FOCUSED! You may find, as I did, that most of what you take to be "real" about yourself is actually made up and that looking deep brings up pain, long-forgotten past experiences, and/or negative belief patterns embedded in your psych. These findings, whether positive or negative, are apart of YOU and are important factors in who you are today.

When was the last time you asked yourself, "why do I believe xyz?" If you take a thought, any thought, ("I like this," "I shouldn't have done that," "that is cool,") and follow it back through your mind, you will find, as one of my teachers Adyashanti did, that each thought that surfaces in your mind has a whole belief system tied behind it, driving the thought forward.

As one begins to unravel the inner-workings of their mind, and makes the vow to be honest with what they find, these unraveling reveal a deeper-sense of self from discovering why one thinks the way they do.

From Tiny Buddha,

"Only you know if you’ve been lying to yourself. Other people may think they know what’s going on in your head and what’s right for you. But only you know what you need to do and whether or not you’re doing it.Only you know what you believe and whether or not you’re honoring it.Only you know what your values are and whether or not you’re upholding  them.Only you know if you’re projecting onto other people to avoid taking responsibility for your own life.And only you can decide to get brave, stop lying, and start being the person you know you want to be–in thoughts, words, and actions.Have you been lying to yourself–and is it time to start creating happiness in the way that only you can?"
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard

Rambles from the Deep

This is what comes out of me in an hour. I can feel the blockage, and now the leak... soon to be flood of ideas, information, misinformation even, feelings, thoughts, remembrances and wishes... puked onto a blog in hopes that something hits for someone, somewhere at sometime.

Gotta figure, my experiences and insights may lead others to other insight upon conscious crystallization to blog.

All day, I have been feeling that some wave of crystallization (a word I picked up from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Racing by Robert M. Pirsig) is going to hit me and leave me temporarily dazed from the clarity. I remember from some spiritual text I've browsed that a longing for this sort of state is injecting desirous energy into the mix which is never a good thing and this loses my train of thought for a while.

In the Seattle Public Library downtown today, sitting on the 10th floor in a red lawn-chair/beach-seat/throne-type chair, I meditated on the idea that everything I see, hear, think, process, is going to be a past interpretation of what is actually happening now, and that what is REAL, that is, in the same way, not an interpretation, has a strange aspect of being unknowable due to this time it takes to process through your senses.

Now that... is a sentence.

To put it more simply: actuality, reality, here and "the NOW", God, Om, is DIRECTLY known.

It just occurred to me to look at my doubt, and ask "why do I doubt myself?" Upon inspection, there was no reason, and so it only made sense to SEE without the doubt. What remained was how I saw before, only a weight lifted off the back side, an opening of the minds eye which extended into my own vision. The world didn't change. The kid standing across the street staring off into the distance is still standing across the street staring into the distance as I type this.

Why doubt yourself? Why even doubt other people without repeated acts of distrust? Doubt just clogs up the mental space, the available RAM, if you will, of the brain, with dysfunction and leaves one with a dim perception of it all.

Random ramblings... going nowhere... lets pick a topic now that I've dumped for a bit and see what happens.

What the Buddha Saw-
It seems to me that, in this day-and-age of TV and YouTube and corporate-owned everything, I have been swept into a mindless abyss of mental chatter, almost all of which do not belong to me. Who are these ghosts? These remembrances of fragments of verses of songs which clutter my brain during my waking hours? Why do they torment me? Like an addict, I give myself to these impulses of thought, these expressions of another's life, which take away from my own. No doubt due to my love for music, new and catchy hip-hop beats, hooks, rhymes dominate my mind. Over and over, day in and day out. The trick is, when I catch myself. What happens then? The moment I say to myself, "Hey, you've been quoting Drakes new verse for the last 72 hours, what's up?" There's a silence, an openness which can last for precious seconds. No thoughts come to mind during this period of Grace, only complete beauty and stillness. Then my ego-dominated thoughts come back and thoughts of how I can turn my spiritual endeavors into monetary conquests and then complete chaos and confusion kicks in. Impulsive thoughts and behaviors spring up that cause me to express myself in ways I don't mean around others. This paranoia is exacerbated by smoking marijuana, yet I have learned to see this paranoia as nothing other than the amplification of something that is already there, making it disproportionally big... scary for some yet perfect for those inquisitive enough to face their fear. Due to years of conditioning myself that what I say isn't worthy, I have shut myself in a tight space unable to feel and constricted by fear. This is obviously completely made up, and could be corrected by realizing again, that this fear has nothing behind it, which it now is, yet I know that this conditioning will continue from its sewing into the fabric of my being and need constant conscious undoing.

Eventually, so I've heard and read in many different places from different people at different times on different accounts, this undoing, or unraveling of this consciousness-structure, this mind this way of seeing this way of thinking this way of being this way of living... eventually completely falls out...

 and THAT is what the Buddha saw.

Friday, July 26, 2013


Most people take for granted the definition of "being" such as "human being."  But what is a being? Is there such thing as an animal being ? Is there such thing as a pillow being? I, like many I'm sure, believe the being to be the center of my consciousness... Where the awareness happens... The CPU of ME. Kind of like the controller of everything in each of our individual worlds. So then what does the dictionary say?

1 a : the quality or state of having existence 
b (1) : something conceivable as existing 
(2) : something that actually exists (3) : the totality of existing things 
c : conscious existence : life
2 : the qualities that constitute an existent thing : essence; especially : personality
3 : a living thing; especially : person

Basically, anyTHING conceivable as existing. A be-ing is that which IS or could be. 

Meaning, potential is being just as much as anything else "be's" (is)? Yes... it makes sense if you think about it... Try an exercise:

Look at your hand. Look at the back, look at the front, your fingers, fingernails, scabs, scars, and anything else you see. Now notice that the hand you are looking at is not wet (or if it is, notice it is not dry)... there is a POTENTIAL for BEING wet (or dry) and this potential is infinite in all directions in that your hand could be hot, cold, holding a pencil, masturbating, snapping, building, etc. etc. 

So then, your being us only limited by what you choose to do, to think, to speak... 

It's interesting to note that in the first dictionary definition of "being" there is no requirement for the humanness factor... Just that it had qualities to exist. To be recognizable as something (an unidentified flying object is still "identified" as a UFO.)

As humans, human beings that is, "being" is constantly expressed and expanded through that which we do. 

Our being this isn't stagnant, but dynamic... constantly moving like a candles' flame. 

 Could it be that our bodies are the wax, our brains are the wicks, and our "is-ness" is like the flame? And then this "flame" which is "us" is really the same "flame" as all "flame" just in a different environment? 

In other words, could that which gives each of us life, be the same force for all... Just as a flame on a candle is the same flame as a bonfire as a forest fire? Just that our "flame" is localized to our bodies for now?

Funny we all relate with our "human-ness" and categorize our minds with the "trees" and "ocean" and "buildings" and "animals" when maybe we should be relating on our "being-ness." Human beings, tree-beings, air-beings, art- beings... we're all beings.  The fact that we are here, as opposed to, not here. What is a better reason to celebrate? 


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Something from Nothing: Questions into the Void

First, there is nothing.

Where did it all come from? This timeless question has rattled the brains of our planet's greatest thinkers since the beginning of consciousness.

First, nothing. Then, something. What's in-between? What is it that moves. Who is it that moves it? Is it God? Is it you, me, or I? Does it happen on it's own?

No letters on a page, then letters, then words, then sentences, then paragraphs, then essays, then blogs, then the internet and on and on until the whole world, the whole ever-expanding universe is noticed.

Perhaps, we are puppets to our own impulses, and once inspiration, hunger, desire, strikes... our bodies are helpless in resisting taking action to fulfill the need.

Perhaps as well, the nothingness is normal, and we only feel a need to fill this void be it going out, reading, drugs, sex, meditating.

Perhaps spirituality is also an escape to fill the void... to make the void feel normal, feel special, feel holy (hole-y.)

We are put here on this Earth and we don't know HOW we are conscious, nor where our consciousness goes after we die... all that we know is we are HERE NOW. So what to do?

Is the world truly our sandbox, ready to have castles and moats and bridges and villages built and then knocked down for someone else to build?

Is the world an accident, and we have no real purpose? And if we have no real purpose, should we instead help alleviate the suffering of others? Or should we just be selfish and burn to oblivion?

Being that we can read articles like this one, is it our duty to bring others up to our levels, so that they may have a chance at a better life?

Or is it our duty to evolve our own nature through exploration of the senses and catalyzing of experience, knowing that everyone is where they are supposed to be and deserves what's coming to them?

How can we sit back and worry about rent, worry about getting high, worry about if so-and-so is mad for not calling them back, when there are people in this world who literally can't worry because that's energy taken away from their basic survival?

There are lost souls in this world, in our own countries, our own cities, our own backyards, for some, our own families, who are so blind to the truth that they can see nothing but their own habitual energy leading them to destruction.

Junkies, fiends, gangsters, pimps, whores... all the product of their society and their own mind. How can it be all the prostitutes fault for where they are at? Perhaps she was forced to by her father at a young age and that's all she knows? Perhaps 2-Loc gang-banging because his crew are the only ones who would accept him as a youth.

Perhaps, these tormented people, as vile as they may seem, are desperately seeking liberation from their vices.

No one else is exposed to the same information you are... and no one else has the same realities as you do... though many may share your realities, especially your friends, families, co-workers, and their friends and family.

Those around you, as well as your job, your house, your car, literally EVERYTHING, have been attracted to you, by you. And because like attracts like, its very likely that everything associated with everything you are associated to is going to be similar in many ways.

Does this mean that those you don't associate with are wrong? Does this mean that their method of living, of communicating, of raising a family, of enjoying and grieving, is inauthentic?

Perhaps, there was never a rule-book to living. Perhaps, one day someone woke up to being conscious, and had to make decisions on how to live life; since there was no step-by-step guide to living...

Perhaps, no longer shackled by pure animalistic instinct, people started developing their own methods, their own ways of living, and due to the sheer size of the planet and space between people, differences in method began to emerge until over time, inside and outside groups began to form according to each cultures definition of "correct" living.

In the Middle East, it is common for men to hold hands while walking down the street to show camaraderie and have no sexual intentions. Here in America, if two men are holding hands, they are either gay or its a boy scout helping an older man across the street. It's not that there is anything wrong with two men holding hands... it's just that we don't do it here.

First, there was nothing. Then, there was something. Because we can't be around for all of the becomings of something from nothing, we miss out on information, leaving our realities with huge, gaping holes in it. Holes we feel the need to fill.

It always seems like everyone knows something you don't. Well, it's true! They do! And you know something they don't too.

Perhaps, over time, the *fear of being inferior* has driven itself into the minds of so many people that now there is now a small, very small in-group of awakened beings who see Choice, and an out-group of sleeping beings, billions of them, who only see Law.

If you are reading this, you are a seer of Choice. You may not see all the choices that I see, and I may not see all the choices that you see, but the fact we see options at all proves our awakened nature.

Fully awakened beings know they there is always infinite choice and infinite action. These beings don't have to do anything, and never get caught up in the weight of the world.

They only feel sorrow for those who do, and many vow to lift these beings out of suffering.

First, there was nothing. Now, there is something.

Monday, January 14, 2013

What is the Proper Way?

What is the Proper Way? And why does it help?

To be curious of the proper way to execute any given task, even something as particular as knowing how to properly hold your knife while cutting a tomato to ensure an even slice that doesn't squirt all over the place, is a crucial necessity for living an enlightened existence.

It is imperative, that one take measures every single day, to perfect THEIR own craft. Though we are taught to see through the illusion of duality, that good and bad are not opposite separate "things" but two sides of a coin or two poles of the Earth, we aren't told much about how to deal with other people. It is important to see clearly for yourself, that other people exist, and how THEY as individuals are all growing as you are growing and making moves every day, whether big or small, just as you make moves to go to work, to make money, to make love. 

In any given environment, whether work, play/social, education, there is a type of competition going on between each person as an individual, as YOU right now, "against" the world. It's not really you are against the world, it's more like an ongoing game of chess. Knight to C4, you pay your cable bill, White's turn, Rook to E7, another month of cable. Every day you wake up, suit up, and go play against the others in YOUR environment. If it's at work, in your position specifically right now there is a way to be a top performer who executes every task Properly with ease and grace, and a way to be an average performer. If it's at school, there is alway's a way to get better grades and be an upstanding student promotes growth to others by providing services such as Prom, pep rallies, tailgates, and Gatorade in the pop machines. By taking the time to do little things, like show up to meetings and events, you can put yourself in situations as I did becoming ASB President my senior year of high school, which benefit you, because you are benefiting others. As ASB President, I influenced a number happenings throughout the year which, in the big scheme of things, had impact on every single student who was there. Those events also taught future leaders what to do and not to do and helped shape their own happenings, just as those before me influenced and continue to influence me.

Every institution, every interaction, every "thing" done has a WAY to be done gracefully and in a way which other Beings can enjoy, learn, or otherwise grow from. In social situations, those who can speak out generally get their way (though it is not always the Proper Way) but think of the person you know who always makes people laugh, who always brightens the room… maybe it's you, or maybe it's your best friend or some guy you know at the bar on Thursdays… They know the proper way to maneuver the social arena. It's supposed to be playful, and their charm and spark allow others to feel comfortable while earning their affections and ensuring smooth sailing wherever they go. It's truly a win/win for everyone. As with a work-situation, those who perform the best will be promoted faster and paid more money typically without regard to character of the individual in this day-and-age of technology where most of the time you email a resume and hope you threw enough keywords in the subject to spark the attention of the guy sitting at a computer who reads 1000s of other's life you every single day. 

It is important to realize that you and everyone around you is all involved in this great thing called Life together and we should all be treated with kindness and respect. Also, that everything around you is in constant flux… that the building on the corner of 4th and Main Downtown YOURMAJORCITY nine-times-out-of-10 wasn't that same business 100 years ago, even 50, or 25, or 5 in our economy. We are all constantly expanding and growing and it's NOT because we are pigs or idiot Americans or any other reason than we are SUPPOSED to grow! We are supposed to thrive! And live! 

And create buildings and art and relationships and borders and rules and laws and then tear them all down to start fresh. Nothing lasts forever except That which keeps things together right now, which really is all of us, we are apart of It, and though it's impossible to truly understand it with your MIND (as you are understanding these words now with YOUR mind), you can accept that it's happening (this IS happening, don't you think?) and do your best to take part in It's beautiful existence. 

Life is to be enjoyed. That's why people GOD is LOVE. Think of how you LOVE your friends and family, your circle, and then think of that LOVE intensely, that acceptance, that ease expanded to everyone you meet. Interactions between Beings that are filled with LOVE promote spontaneity, creativeness, laughter, comfort, and joy, feelings which all Beings are meant to be filled with every day. 

It IS possible to create positivity wherever you go. To be a Light in the Dark. All you have to do is get your mind straight, that is, focus your intentions, that is do what you do and figure out a way to combine your efforts with the efforts of those around you and grow together as a community, my brothers and sisters. That is the Proper Way to live your life. To live in harmony with those around you, and the land you live in. If everyone did their part where they were at, we would be a pretty awesome place. Not everyone is meant to create huge empires and save the world through charity, but when one can shift their mind away from "What can the world give me?" to "What can I give the world?"… the sun will rise, painting beautiful colors across the sky, and the birds singing will be more sweet than ever before, and you will notice the frost on the ground as clear as the air you breath, and you will celebrate your existence with everyone else.

We are all here to learn about ourselves through engagement with each other. Money is nice to have but when one makes money the SOLE PURPOSE of life without regard to it's natural processes, separateness and misfortune are sure to arise. It does not matter much what you choose to do, as long as what you do makes you grow in some way while allowing others to live their lives and grow as well. By paying for a gym, you and helping yourself by motivation to work out, as well as helping the employees make money to do things They want in their spare time. We all seemingly indirectly (though really very directly) contribute to the existence of others and I think if everyone smiled a little more to one another and generally took more interest in what's happening in the world and allowed themselves to respond with honesty to others and receive feedback and continually shape their ideas and stay fresh and be much like a flame, with no real center of existence and always moving, yet rooted in one spot and always the same in some way, always burning, until it's end. But is it "dead"? Is it not still alive if it's flame was used to start other's flames? Or if another is lit after it, who is to say it is not the same flame? 

As a human, I don't know much about the existence of other realms after this one. Or life after death because I don't know anyone personally who's been there, nor do I remember doing so myself so I won't speak on that for now…

I think it's important to know that while we are all HERE. right NOW (Sunday, January 13, 2013 20:03:59 where I am) we can make the decision to learn the Proper Way to do whatever it is we are required to do, so that when we save ourselves and others time and health. In obtaining a wide skill set of Proper techniques for handling situations from driving to self-defense to playing the piano to picking out an outfit etc. etc., one not only serves their own interests, but the interests of others as well. By honing technique, you start to be able to think more moves ahead in our previously mentioned game of Chess. One can start to consider the opponents strategy and adjust their own according to that. When one begins to "win" in Life, it also invites others to See the Proper Way and start to make adjustments to the Proper Way themselves. We are like clouds who's drops contribute in the Pond of Life, some rain more than others and make more of a splash, some clouds drop medicine, and some poison. We all contribute in someway.

If you learn one new thing every day and use that to your benefit, think of how much knowledge you will have acquired in the next 20 years, and the decisions you will be able to make as a result of that knowledge. Knowledge is, as they say, power, and a life of promoting positivity and peace and harmony with others will lead to enlightened Beings who's lives start cultural and political revolutions, who spark movements which destroy old dogma, and who's voices alone heal nations. 

I am here to shine Light. And ever since I came to that obvious realization, my life has exponentially kept looking up. I invite you to do the same.

Here at Keep the Cool, I invite you to do the same. You will soon find interviews with young entrepreneurs, artists, and other ways amazing people who are making it happen for themselves in their community. Stay tuned for that, and thanks for reading.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cultivating the Mind of Love

(from an essay I wrote for World Ethics & Religion, 2010)

Before we begin, I ask everyone who is reading or listening to clear their minds and temporarily set aside any previous conception or critique you may have of Buddhism. One Zen teacher encourages students to "kill the Buddha,"   which means killing their mental construct of Buddha so that the real Buddha can be revealed.

Love is a concept, like beauty, which is subjective. Every person has their own experiences which build up their own idea of what love is. In Cultivating the Mind of Love, Thich Nhat Hanh shares the story of his first love, and uses his experiences to parallel the rudimentary metaphysics of Buddhism. Hanh demonstrates that we are all interconnected, and that to truly love one person is to love everyone and everything.

"Mahayana Buddhism was inspired by and created out of great love for all beings." Its purpose is to liberate all beings from suffering to Nirvana- "the extinction of afflictions and notions."  We hold as truth that all beings seek happiness and liberation from suffering. When beings are able to rid themselves of craving, ignorance, and hatred, also known as suffering, in their place comes peace and happiness.

It is important when seeing the world from Thich Nhat Hanh's point of view to understand the Buddhist idea of non-self. "A self is not possible without non-self elements."  Take the example of this piece of paper. Paper is made up of trees and chemicals. In order for trees to exist, the proper conditions need be present such as soil, seed, sunlight, and water. Without one of these parts, the tree, and in extension this piece of paper would not be possible. It is easy to understand how anything we perceive is actually made up of many different things, which themselves are all made of many different things, hence the interconnectedness of everything. "If we look deeply, we will remove these barriers between our mental categories and see the one in many and the many in the one, which is the true nature of inter-being."

Hanh tells specific moments in his life which had great impact on his motivations. He describes falling in love as an accident of consequence. "Think about it: the expression 'falling'; you trip into it." He never tried to fall in love with a nun when he was training to be a monk, and admits, "The moment I saw her, I recognized in her everything I cherished." Here, lies a new definition for love- the recognition of characteristics we cherish, or care for lovingly. This definition allows for loving not just other human beings, sex, drugs, and Rock n' Roll, but literally anything one can conceive.

Some may say that defining love in this way destroys its "specialness" or limits it in some way, however, the case is quite opposite. When one keeps in mind the true nature of inter-being, how all beings are inextricably linked, it's clear why love for one means love for all. "Your every look, smile, and word reaches faraway universes and influences every living and non-living being in the cosmos. Everything is touching everything else, everything is penetrating everything else."  There are commercials on television that depict scenarios where a tired, middle-aged housewife snaps out of her daily zombie-trance when someone holds the door for her. Feeling invigorated, she walks down the street and picks up an old man's cane which had fallen over and walks on. The old man, previously angry at the world puts on a smile and cooks dinner for his wife that night.  Practicing love and tolerance in all situations benefits not only yourself, but every one around you, everyone around them, and on and on until it comes back around. Some might recognize as "One Love."

This butterfly cause-and-effect isn't only positive, unfortunately. Just as good vibes can spread infectiously, so can the negative. Case in point- Jeremy is driving down the freeway singing to his tunes when all of the sudden he gets cut off by another car,  the driver of which is obviously not paying attention. Feeling frustrated going into work, Jeremy snaps at his secretary Barb before slamming the door behind him to his office. Fed up with all the work she does for him without even a, "Thank you," Barb decides that no job is better than this one and quits. Though the scenario is completely made up, the ideas shown by it are what matters. "Although the dharma is offered using concepts, it's possible to receive it without getting stuck in concepts."

In realizing that our "selves" are actually made up of "non-selves," the Bodhisattva vow of liberating all beings animate or inanimate becomes universal to all people. "The well-being of 'a' depends on the well-being of the 'non-a' elements. The well being of man depends on the well-being of non-man elements in nature." A is made up of everything not A (paper, trees, soil, etc.), so A is not A.  The self is non-self. These concepts seems difficult to understand, but when one takes time to see how even if very indirectly, any two things are interconnected, new understanding takes place. "To reduce suffering means to reduce the amount of ignorance."

In teaching these concepts, Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us that although "grasping reality with concepts and notions is like catching space with a net," "notions and concepts can be useful if we learn how to use them skillfully, without getting caught by them." There is an analogy in Buddhism which states that Buddhist theory is but a raft to get us across the river of suffering. Once on the other side, this raft is unnecessary because you have arrived. In this case, visualize Buddhism as a map. Notions and concepts such as "non-self" and "dharma" would be the maps which all lead to the big eXtinction- Nirvana. Maps can be used to get to your destination, but once you're there, you don't need it anymore. It'd be best to leave the map for someone else so they can find their way. Even better, go back and help people reach their destination. Because everything is connected, the best way to love one person is to love all people, and all things. In the words of Bob Marley, "One love, one heart, lets get together and we'll feel alright."

 Nhất, Hạnh. Cultivating the Mind of Love. Berkeley, CA: Parallax, 2008. Print. p. 87
 Ibid., p. 33
 Ibid., p. 78
 Ibid., p. 50
 Ibid., p. 84
 Ibid., p. ii
 Ibid., p. 8
 Ibid., p. 103
 Ibid., p. 114
 Ibid., p. 84
 Ibid., p. 109
 Ibid., p. 119
 Ibid., p. 56
 Ibid., p. 79
 Marley, Bob. One Love. Heartbeat Records, 2006. CD.


Monday, January 7, 2013

How to Keep the Cool?

On Keeping it Cool

What does it mean to keep it cool? What image pops in your head when you think of "cool?" Is it James Dean in a leather jacket, smoking a cigarette while cruising a buck-20 down interstate-90? Why is it that this image portrays cool? What characteristics and decisions does this person make to make him... cool?

My opinion is... keeping it cool means making sure your emotions are in check at all times. It means that even in the face of adversity, even when confronted with a life-threatening situation, even when in the presence of a beautiful woman, you remain calm, collected, and ready.

Keeping it cool isn't really something that you do every once in a while, it's more a lifestyle. It's a WAY of being. A way of SEEING.

One who keeps his or her cool will look at a situation, and observe how everything operates, and accept what is happening so that they can either allow or change the flow of the situation.

One who keeps his or her cool NEVER becomes overwhelmed by a person or a situation.

One who keeps his or her cool ALWAYS recognizes that even if they have to give themselves completely to a job, even if they are living with their parents and have to abide by their rules, that NO ONE can take away who they are inside.

99% of you life may be devoted to some cause but NOTHING can take away the 1% that IS YOU.

Keeping it cool means that you must be honest. Keeping it cool means you have to be constantly sifting through the bullshit of everyday life for the truth which is always there.

One who keeps the cool in this way at all times will find their lives becoming easier to live, making it easier to find the cool in life, and spread coolness to anyone you meet.

Be warned, Keepers of the Cool, as you will be hated on. Some people can't handle others who don't get phased by everyday bullshit. Some people don't like it when their off-handed derogatory comments hold no weight on you. Some people just, aren't cool, and like Republicans and Democrats simply hold different views.

Keepers of the Cool are a minority among humankind, due to the increasingly large population of societal-robots who are literally STUCK in their "own" minds, really just projections forced upon them from countless hours watching TV, consuming, not questioning authority, and generally just taking what life gives them.

Keepers of the Cool are like Neo, outside of the Matrix, yet in it. Able to SEE clearly what is going on without feeling the NEED to be pulled along by it.

Keepers of the Cool realize that all action on their part, is chosen by them alone.
Keepers of the Cool use this Power to create a unique environment wherever they go.

Here's to the Keepers of the Cool. Just know that if it seems like the world is going against you, you have unstuck yourself from the flow of life and can now look at it's direction and move freely in any which way you choose.

Know that ALL Keepers of the Cool are martyrs. 

Jesus is a Keeper of the Cool. 

Gandhi is a Keeper of the Cool.

Martin Luther King Jr. is a Keeper of the Cool.

Nelson Mandela is a Keeper of the Cool.

Socrates is a Keeper of the Cool.

My father is a Keeper of the Cool. 

I am now a Keeper of the Cool.

It's a great responsibility to Keep the Cool, and not everybody can... 

Will YOU?


How To Eat For Maximum Muscle And Minimum Fat

(from Brad Branson)

How To Eat For Maximum Muscle And Minimum Fat

Guidelines for everyone, regardless of where you are now:

• Eat lots of protein throughout the day. 1.5 grams of protein for every pound of body weight is the minimum. If you weigh 180lbs, you need to be consuming 270g of protein a day for maximum muscle gain
• Eat SOME “clean” carbs at breakfast and after training. “Clean” carbs means oatmeal, whole grain rice or yams
• Eat as many green vegetables as you can
If your biggest priority is to drop some bodyfat, your diet should:
(a) Focus on lean protein sources like chicken, turkey, lean cuts of beef and egg whites
(b) Be very low in carbs (have some oatmeal or wholegrain rice at breakfast and immediately after training but almost no carbs at other times)
(c) Contain about 30% healthy fats
(d) Ensure that you are eating 500 less calories every day than your body is using
If your biggest priority is to pack on some muscle, your diet should:
(a) Focus on red meat and whole eggs
(b) Contain some “clean” carbs (oats, wholegrain rice or yams at every meal)
(c) Contains about 20% healthy fats
(d) Ensure that you are getting 500 more calories every day than your body is using

If you are somewhere in the middle, your diet should, be in the middle of these two. Be sure to weigh yourself once a week (always the same day) immediately on waking to monitor progress. Adjust your calories and carbs up or down depending on your goals and whether or not you are making progress.

Here’s What A Typical Day Of Training and Eating Looks Like For Me (Brad)

7:00 am – wake
7:15 am – whey protein shake and black coffee
7:45 am – heavy weight training for 60 mins
8:45 am – finish training and drink another whey shake plus eat 3 rice cakes
9:15 am – breakfast – 6 eggs whites and 2 whole eggs on 3 slices of rye bread
9:20 am – 30 min nap in the Sun (great for recovery after training if your lifestyle allows)
12:00 noon lunch – chicken salad with 2 chicken breasts
3:00 pm – chicken salad with 2 chicken breast
6:00 pm – whey protein shake
9:00 pm – steak with vegetables

A Solid Training Program That Everyone Seems To Grow One (Google the exercise name for proper technique)

Day 1 – Shoulders
Barbell Behind-The-Neck Presses - 3 sets of 6-10 reps plus one set of 15 reps (start with a weight you can just about lift for 6 reps and then try to get more each time you train shoulders. When you can get 10 reps or more with that weight, increase the weight by approx 3% and start again at 6 reps. The goal is to be a little stronger every time you train).
Dumbbell Lateral Raises - 3 sets of 12 reps (move the dumbbells quite quickly – 2 seconds up and 2 seconds down) and concentrate of squeezing your deltoid muscle and filling them with as much blood as possible
Bent Over Lateral Raises – 3 sets of 12 (move the dumbbells quite quickly – 2 seconds up and 2 seconds down) and concentrate of squeezing your deltoid muscle and filling them with as much blood as possible
Day 2 – Back
Shrugs – 3 sets of 6-10 reps plus one set of 15 reps (start with a weight you can just lift for 6 reps and then try to get more the next time you train back. When you get 10 reps or more, increase the weight by approx 3% and start again at 6 reps. The goal is to be a little stronger every time you train)
Bent Over Dumbbell Rows – 3 sets of 6-10 reps plus one set of 15 reps (start with a weight you can just lift for 6 reps and then try to get more the next time you train back. When you get 10 reps or more, increase the weight by approx 3% and start again at 6 reps. The goal is to be a little stronger every time you train)
Lat Pull Downs – 3 sets of 6-10 reps plus one set of 15 reps (start with a weight you can just about lift for 6 reps and then try to get more the next time you train back. When you get 10 reps or more, increase the weight by approx 3% and start again at 6 reps. The goal is to be a little stronger every time you train)
Squats – 3 sets of 12 (2 seconds up and 2 seconds down – go down to where the top of your quads are parallel with the floor) and concentrate of squeezing your thigh (quad) muscles and filling them with as much blood as possible
Day 3 – Chest
Low Incline Barbell Bench Press – 3 sets of 6-10 reps plus one set of 15 reps (start witha weight you can just about lift for 6 reps and then try to get more the next time you train chest and then more the time after until you get 10 reps with that weight. When you get 10 reps or more, increase the weight by approx 3% and start again at 6 reps. The goal is to be a little stronger every time you train) plus one set of 15 reps
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press – 3 sets of 12 (move the dumbbells quite quickly 2 seconds upand 2 seconds down) and concentrate of squeezing your pecs at the top, stretching them at the bottom and filling them with as much blood as possible
Pec Dec – 3 sets of 12 (2 seconds up and 2 seconds down) and concentrate of squeezing your pecs at the contraction, stretching them at the extension and filling them with as much blood as possible
Day 4 – Arms
Barbell Curls – 3 sets of 6-10 reps plus one set of 15 reps (start with a weight you can just about lift for 6 reps and then try to get more the next time you train chest and then more the time after until you get 10 reps with that weight. When you get 10 reps or more, increase the weight by approx 3% and start again at 6 reps. The goal is to be a little stronger every time you train)
Incline Dumbbell Curls – 3 sets of 12 (2 seconds up and 2 seconds down) and concentrate of squeezing your biceps at the contraction, stretching them at the extension and filling them with as much blood as possible
Standing EZ Bar Curls – 3 sets of 12 (2 seconds up and 2 seconds down) and concentrate of squeezing your biceps at the contraction, stretching them at the extension and filling them with as much blood as possible
Weighted Dips – 3 sets of 6-10 reps plus one set of 15 reps (start with a weight you can just about lift for 6 reps and then try to get more the next time you train arms and then more the time after until you get 10 reps with that weight. When you get 10 reps or more, increase the weight by approx 3% and start again at 6 reps. The goal is to be a little stronger every time you train)
Cable Press-downs – 3 sets of 12 (2 seconds up and 2 seconds down) and concentrate of squeezing your triceps at the contraction, keeping the tension on them and filling them with as much blood as possible
Wrist Extensions (forearms supported on a becnch or Scott curl bench) – 3 sets of 12 (2 seconds up and 2 seconds down) and concentrate of squeezing your forearm muscles at the contraction, stretching them at the extension and filling them with as much blood as possible
Day 5 – rest
Day 6 – repeat (always trying to beat previous performance)

#self-improvement #fashion

(VIDEO)You've Felt It Your Entire Life

This is an extremely powerful, short video using sound clips from the original Matrix and beautiful, yet disconcerting imagery. We are here to WAKE UP people! Stop conforming, stop mindlessly consuming, start thinking, stop watching TV, start reading more books, start keeping a journal, start doing yoga, start eating healthy, start living.

Credits to Collective Evolution for the video.
As always,
Keep the Cool.



Welcome to Keep the Cool! 

My name is Jack Lorence, founder of KtC.

Here at Keep the Cool you will find the latest in great music, cool clothing, and lifestyle-enhancement tips.

Want to share something cool? Hit me up at .

Keep the Cool, my friends.

#music #self-improvement #fashion